WhatsApp for Windows Security Flaw Could Be Serious

Suppose your company uses the popular messaging platform WhatsApp for Windows. In that case, you need to be aware of a potentially critical security flaw that puts your company at risk for ...

Microsoft Sway Exploited to Deliver Malicious QR Codes

Criminals continue to find ways to launch attacks using legitimate cloud platforms and services, and the latest tool to fall victim to bad actors is Microsoft Sway. Hackers are using the product ...

Search and Chat in Gmail With Gemini Integration

Suppose you spend more time searching your Gmail inbox for information than you'd like. In that case, you’ll love the new Gemini AI integration.  In conjunction with the release of two new ...

Protecting Your Google Workspace Account From the Latest Cyber Threat

If your company relies on Google Workspace, you must know about the latest cyber threat.   As you know, setting up a new user account in Google Workspace requires email authentication. Hackers uncovered ...

Microsoft Partnered With Lumen To Improve Its Datacenter Infrastructure

Companies regularly merge businesses to reap the benefits they can offer one another. As a business owner, you’re likely no stranger to this, and neither is Microsoft since they’ve recently formed a ...

Microsoft Apps on MacOS: Security Flaws Exposed

Suppose you use Microsoft productivity apps like Microsoft Word for Mac. In that case, you need to know about a new report from cybersecurity researchers from Cisco Talos. According to the latest ...

Tech-Enhanced Customer Feedback Systems

Your business is likely as successful as the number of people you reach online via SERP results and advertisements. However, getting customers to purchase or schedule services more than once can count ...

CRM Systems: The Ultimate Tool for Exceptional Customer Service

With so many businesses providing similar services, you want to make sure your business stands out from the crowd. But how, exactly, do you do that? One way is to make sure ...

The Benefits of Cloudflare’s New Tool

As AI tools become more sophisticated, protecting original content and intellectual property on your website is becoming increasingly difficult. AI bots are constantly scraping webs for data to train AI models, often ...

Warning: Massive Collection of Passwords Was Leaked on a Well-Known Hacking Forum

Security leaks happen daily, with hackers evolving their methods and proving more creative with every emerging attack, especially toward business owners with a lot of sensitive data. But on July 4, the ...